How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time
How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time
By Tom Venuto Natural Bodybuilder and Author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle“How can I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?”That’s right up there with “How do I get six pack abs” as one of the most frequently asked fitness questions of all time. The problem is, when you ask it, you get all kinds of conflicting answers – even from experts who are supposed to know these things. So what’s the deal? Is it really possible to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously? Short answer: YES, it’s possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time Long answer: It’s difficult and it’s complicated. Allow me to explain… First we have the issue of whether you really lose fat and gain muscle at the “same time.”
Body Type Secrets, Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph
Body Type Secrets, Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph
Are You Eating Wrong For Your Body Type?
If you are eating wrong for your body type, you may never reach your maximum potential.Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph body type? If you are not sure, then this could be the reason your last diet failed, or why your results have fallen short of your expectations. To maximize the results of your diet, regardless of whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain, you must adjust your diet according to your body type.
You inherited a certain body type, just as you inherited a certain hair, eye and skin color.When you look at how important genetics are in athletics, muscle building, fitness or fat loss endeavors, it may seem like the only guaranteed way to physical superiority or extreme levels of low body fat is to choose the right parents. However, even if you think that Mother Nature dealt you a bad hand, you can take consolation in the fact that success in fat loss is not determined purely by genetics. Most of the factors involved in burning fat are totally under your control.