Imagine being able to learn how to conveniently and successfully transition to a much healthier lifestyle through a Live Food diet from the comfort of your own home. Whether you want to be 100% raw or just use Live Food to achieve specific goals in your life (more energy, weight loss, immune power, etc.) this course can work for you. In this 4 week live food course you will learn all the techniques necessary to create an effective and lasting transition to a raw living food diet.

Preparing delectable raw food dishes does not have to be complicated. You may even find that the hardest part of live food preparation is to not call it cooking. We will learn how to make simple inexpensive dishes that are sure to satisfy anyones taste. Not only will you learn how to make delicious raw food recipes, but you will also learn how to create original recipes of your own and practical menu plans to suit your individual lifestyle. Learning to prepare the food is only half the battle. It is essential that you understand all levels of transition from time budgeting to craving control. Each weeks in depth Live Food Lessons will cover various aspects of a Live Food Lifestyle and teach you how to organize and prepare yourself for a smooth transition to an incredibly healthy and healing diet. When you can fully grasp the concepts of a Live Food lifestyle, you will find that eating a Live Food diet is even easier than any diet you were following before. Having
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