Rapid Weight Loss Program – Healthy Diet Shake Meal Replacement!
Article by Francis
Several rapid weight loss diet plans and programs insist on the food element of the plan as the most crucial in determining one’s ability to actually lose weight. Most, however, offer very restrictive diet recommendations that deprive one of the ability to enjoy food. This has led experts to warn about diet plans that put excessive restrictions on food intake as an unhealthy choice of diet program.
Hence, diet shakes were innovated as one of the newer components building your own rapid weight loss program. Also known as meal replacement shakes, they are designed to replace your daily meals. There are several different shake recipes intended for weight loss but the most common variant is the protein diet shake. In fact, several individuals have testified to the value of this particular meal replacement tool for anyone desiring to lose weight using natural methods.
On the other hand, taking protein shakes as your diet replacement offer a lot of wonderful health benefits. From the name itself, it provides you with the important nutrients and energy to perform your daily activities. Moreover, it helps to stabilize your blood sugar level, which is a key factor if you intend to consume meal replacement shakes as part of your weight loss diet. As soon as your blood sugar level drops, you will begin to have cravings for food substances that could ruin your weight loss efforts.
You must also take note of the calorie content in your protein shake to ensure that you are not sabotaging your diet scheme. The allowable amount of calories for your meal replacement shake should be between 300 to 400 per day. What you need to remember is that this isn’t a supplemental diet but replacement to a meal. Therefore, it has to contain enough calories and protein to meet your body’s daily requirements.
To get the real benefit of using diet shakes as meal replacement, you must take it as alternative to at most 2 meals each day. In this case, experts suggest breakfast and lunch. One reason is that most people are most active during the day, such that you will easily burn off excess fat during the busiest part of the day.
For a healthier rapid weight loss diet alternative, carefully choose the protein source for preparing your shake. The best known protein source would be egg white, whey, or soy protein. The liquid component of your shake depend on your own preference, such as rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, or goat milk. You can add sweeteners like honey or frozen fruit to make it pleasant tasting and to ensure that you enjoy consuming this while you are losing weight at the same time.
The ability to enjoy great tasting food or beverages while shedding off excess fat is the ultimate source for your weight loss answers.
About the Author
Creating your own diet shake recipes that would suit your individual taste preference is a great method to incorporate into your rapid weight loss program. Get recipes and learn more about healthy diet shakes at http://www.thehealthsuccesssite.com/weight-loss-answers.html