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Weight Loss Factoids
// looking-for-a-low-calorie-beer-here-is-our-big-list-698
switch(mt_rand(1,6)) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
echo ‘What is a Low Calorie Beer? The Big List of Beer Calories.’;
break;case 7:
echo ‘Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks, Here is the Big List of Calories.’;
break;case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
echo ‘Do You Know how many Beer Calories you consume daily? Here is the Big List of Calories.’;
break;case 11:
echo ‘What is the Lowest Calorie Alcohol? Here is the Big List of Alchohol Calories.’;
break;case 12:
echo ‘Calories in Beer are your ready for the Good News?’;
echo ‘What is the Low Calorie Beer? The Big List of Beer Calories.’;
// end?>