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Comments on: Weight Loss is Not Suffering

by Weight Loss Digest

Comments on: Weight Loss is Not Suffering https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030
How to Lose Weight, Exercise and Get Fit.
Sun, 10 Jul 2011 13:18:38 +0000

By: rboss90 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6817
rboss90 Thu, 07 Jul 2011 15:07:49 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6817
might want to add that “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.” good vids
might want to add that “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.” good vids

By: sjm8890 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6816
sjm8890 Thu, 07 Jul 2011 14:56:51 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6816
If people wanted to lose weight and they took this advice they would still be suffering
If people wanted to lose weight and they took this advice they would still be suffering

By: zackingtv https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6815
zackingtv Thu, 07 Jul 2011 14:19:58 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6815
Excellent advice, thanks Steve.
Excellent advice, thanks Steve.

By: llJoannall https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6814
llJoannall Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:39:52 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6814
great advice. 🙂
great advice. 🙂

By: takkibakos https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6813
takkibakos Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:37:21 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6813
You’re so narcissistic; obsessed with your own body. Just like every other bodybuilder you look like a gorilla. Extreme exercise made your body disproportional. Men like you mess up the world, because young boys think they should look muscular like you. You’re a very bad roll model for children. Have you ever exercised your soul? Where’s your soul?
You’re so narcissistic; obsessed with your own body. Just like every other bodybuilder you look like a gorilla. Extreme exercise made your body disproportional. Men like you mess up the world, because young boys think they should look muscular like you. You’re a very bad roll model for children. Have you ever exercised your soul? Where’s your soul?

By: ScaperSteph https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6812
ScaperSteph Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:09:37 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6812
You’ve pretty just must described my year on weight watchers with this vid (I’ve lost 52 lbs).

Never deprive yourself of goodies you enjoy, just eat less of it and move on.
You’ve pretty just must described my year on weight watchers with this vid (I’ve lost 52 lbs).

Never deprive yourself of goodies you enjoy, just eat less of it and move on.


By: ScaperSteph https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6811
ScaperSteph Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:33:37 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6811
I should add snack within reason. lol

After a while people start to figure out that they can have tons of vegetables and fruits in place of a candy bar… but there’s nothing wrong with a chocolate bar every once in a while.
I should add snack within reason. lol

After a while people start to figure out that they can have tons of vegetables and fruits in place of a candy bar… but there’s nothing wrong with a chocolate bar every once in a while.


By: breakneck12 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6810
breakneck12 Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:09:17 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6810
What I never hear people say when talking about weight loss is how your stomach will adjust to and get used to eating less. After about 2 weeks of eating way less than you used to, you will be fine and not be hungry and thus will lose weight all other things being equal.
What I never hear people say when talking about weight loss is how your stomach will adjust to and get used to eating less. After about 2 weeks of eating way less than you used to, you will be fine and not be hungry and thus will lose weight all other things being equal.

By: bradby0185 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6809
bradby0185 Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:11:13 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6809
lol you sound like some fat bitch. why would a young man not wanna be fit and healthy? why wouldnt anyone? and for the record like martial arts, exercising your body does exercise your soul, they go hand and hand, strong body creates a strong spirit, seems you dont exercise at all..bad roll model..yeh i guess kids shouldnt wanna exercise they have videogames, dumbass
lol you sound like some fat bitch. why would a young man not wanna be fit and healthy? why wouldnt anyone? and for the record like martial arts, exercising your body does exercise your soul, they go hand and hand, strong body creates a strong spirit, seems you dont exercise at all..bad roll model..yeh i guess kids shouldnt wanna exercise they have videogames, dumbass

By: chrissept21 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6808
chrissept21 Thu, 07 Jul 2011 10:29:54 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/2030/weight-loss-is-not-suffering-002030#comment-6808
plus if u bring carrots or something to work eat like 20 baby carrots its more filling then a chocolate bar and it makes you feel good
plus if u bring carrots or something to work eat like 20 baby carrots its more filling then a chocolate bar and it makes you feel good

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