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Comments on: Quick Weight Loss Tips

by Weight Loss Digest

Comments on: Quick Weight Loss Tips https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966
How to Lose Weight, Exercise and Get Fit.
Sun, 10 Jul 2011 13:18:38 +0000

By: birdsnlove https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3306
birdsnlove Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:59:33 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3306
very intresting
very intresting

By: birdsnlove https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3305
birdsnlove Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:13:11 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3305
very intresting! 🙂
very intresting! 🙂

By: BIGWORM2O9 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3304
BIGWORM2O9 Mon, 06 Jun 2011 16:48:14 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3304
how retarted blaaaaaaahhhhhhh
how retarted blaaaaaaahhhhhhh

By: ukent07 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3303
ukent07 Mon, 06 Jun 2011 16:04:15 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3303
But if you go on the 60 minute walk then your cells will have more of a chance to become more oxygenated, whereas going full-out for 15 minutes will just build up more lactic acid….
But if you go on the 60 minute walk then your cells will have more of a chance to become more oxygenated, whereas going full-out for 15 minutes will just build up more lactic acid….

By: fitgirlRD https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3302
fitgirlRD Mon, 06 Jun 2011 15:21:10 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3302
only if your body isnt used to it… you would NOT build up lactic acid after a week of biking or running for 15 mins…
cells dont get more oxygenated if they dont pass a treshold, only reached if you challenge your body by increasing intensity

only if your body isnt used to it… you would NOT build up lactic acid after a week of biking or running for 15 mins…
cells dont get more oxygenated if they dont pass a treshold, only reached if you challenge your body by increasing intensity

By: ukent07 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3301
ukent07 Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:45:19 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3301
obviously you wouldn’t be used to it if you’re not in shape…..? bare in mind she’s talking about an unfit person
obviously you wouldn’t be used to it if you’re not in shape…..? bare in mind she’s talking about an unfit person

By: Jibbie49 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3300
Jibbie49 Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:36:25 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3300
Covert Bailey in “Fit or Fat” says to do “wind sprints” to build up the cells to deal with more exercise. You walk REALLY FAST for 10 seconds, then recover, then when you feel good, walk really fast for 10 seconds and recover. He says you will NOT build up lactic acid that way and be sore and your body will improve because it thinks you will be working at the harder level all the time. Covert Bailey had a PBS-TV series for his book.
Covert Bailey in “Fit or Fat” says to do “wind sprints” to build up the cells to deal with more exercise. You walk REALLY FAST for 10 seconds, then recover, then when you feel good, walk really fast for 10 seconds and recover. He says you will NOT build up lactic acid that way and be sore and your body will improve because it thinks you will be working at the harder level all the time. Covert Bailey had a PBS-TV series for his book.

By: doodlemars https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3299
doodlemars Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:34:52 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3299
Good . But I lost over 30 lb in one month using weight loss plan from LSWEIGHT(.)INFO

Good . But I lost over 30 lb in one month using weight loss plan from LSWEIGHT(.)INFO



By: Masshiroi https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3298
Masshiroi Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:56:40 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3298
what is lactic acid?
what is lactic acid?

By: gandag0d https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3297
gandag0d Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:18:32 +0000 https://weightlossdigest.org/1966/quick-weight-loss-tips-001966#comment-3297
eat less.u cna eat alot but in small portions.u need to burn more fat than u eat .u need to exercise for 30 min.try to join a sport have fun and loos weight.pic like boxing in an 55min u loose more than 700 calories.martial arts more than 600 calories.try to have less than 350-400 calories a meal.eatmore wite meatand vegetable u loos weight like crazy and if u wann eat red meat make sure u dont haverice or anything like that. water will be ur best friend.try to eat meat wite meat,and vegetavble
eat less.u cna eat alot but in small portions.u need to burn more fat than u eat .u need to exercise for 30 min.try to join a sport have fun and loos weight.pic like boxing in an 55min u loose more than 700 calories.martial arts more than 600 calories.try to have less than 350-400 calories a meal.eatmore wite meatand vegetable u loos weight like crazy and if u wann eat red meat make sure u dont haverice or anything like that. water will be ur best friend.try to eat meat wite meat,and vegetavble

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