10 No Nonsense Tips For Rapid Weight Loss – Lose the Weight Now!

10 No Nonsense Tips For Rapid Weight Loss

10 No Nonsense Tips For Rapid Weight Loss

These tips for rapid weight loss are listed to help you get the weight off now and if you commit to following these recommendations you will see the weight dropping within a few short days.

1. Start off with a jump start. You can jump start your diet by shifting your carbohydrate intake. Finish eating carbs such as bread, cereal, pasta and rice by lunchtime. This gives quick results.

2. Set your mindset for speed. Rapid weight loss takes a focused mind. Know that you will have to stay committed to the changes but lock your mindset on all the positive things this effort is bringing into your life.

3. Set a calorie cap and stick below it. Determine a low yet healthy calorie intake limit for yourself and do not go over your limit.

4. Learn how to strategically “cheat”. Because you will be keeping your calorie intake low your metabolism will drop. When you notice your weight loss slowing have a planned “cheat meal” which boosts your calories. This in turn boosts your metabolism and restores your fat burning (very effective in both the lab and real life!)

5. Write it ALL down. If you don’t want to write it down then don’t eat it – keep a food journal.

6. Simplify your diet. You can’t be spending all of your time “figuring out” how to eat. Simplify by dividing your plate. Take a plate and divide it in half filling the top of the plate with salad or vegetables. The bottom of the plate is divided again and filled with one serving of protein and one serving of carbohydrate.

7. Workout with resistance. You need to preserve your muscle mass if you want a metabolism that allows for rapid weight loss. Use weights or the weight of your body during exercise.

8. Add intensity to your aerobic workout. Whether you walk, jog, bike or swim add short burst (1 to 5 minutes) of maximum effort and repeat until your session is complete. This encourages fat burning all day long.

9. Drink more water and avoid calorie-filled drinks. Water is needed for your body’s metabolic actions so drink more and avoid sugary drinks like soda that have no nutritional value.

10. Stop learning and ACT. This is it, you have enough knowledge to take your first step, start today to work toward your goal.

When you want to lose the weight now you can follow these 10 no nonsense tips for rapid weight loss and remember, there is no better time then now to get started.

Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Weight Loss Blueprint

Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed Fat Loss

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is an experienced and respected weight loss coach. Her highly popular weight loss programs reveal her inside secrets, tips and strategies that allow her clients to quickly lose weight and keep it off.